Latest updates:
July 2005
Italy. Preaching at a public fair, and redecoration of
the 'Villa Govinda Ashram' near Milan. Pictures
of their recent seva for the satisfaction of Sri Guru and
Sri Gauranga. The service of the Italian devotees is given much
recognition by Srila Gurudev Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj, as reported earlier this month by Pusta Krishna Prabhu
in his Darshan Notebook entry "Praising
the Devotees."
July 2005
July 2005
Disappearance of Srila Lokanath Goswami Prabhu.
Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Pilgrimage 2005. The
concluding five pages of Malini Devi Dasi's ten-page illustrated
extensive diary of the bus journey pilgrimage to Puri earlier
this month. She describes the challenges of pulling Lord Jagannath's
chariot, association with the devotees, and the return journey
to Nabadwip.
"The Jagannath Puri bus pilgrimage was an unforgettable experience,
I am very happy to have experienced it fully, from beginning to
end. The whole experience leaves my devotional mood revitalised
and recharged."

Californian website
updated with a gallery of the newly established weekend
painting seva stall at the Santa Cruz wharf. And a reminder
that there's still
time to register for the upcoming public programme this
Sunday night in San Jose: 'The Art of Spiritual Living in
the Modern World - Lessons in Bhagavad Gita.'
July 2005
Extensive coverage of our Math's Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Pilgrimage
2005. The
first five pages of a ten-part lively, descriptive diary by
Malini Devi Dasi, taking us on the bus journey pilgrimage arranged
by Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip earlier this month to
Sri Jagannath Puri. Her diary includes an additional five pages
of references from the Scriptures as well as pictures of the journey,
of several holy places visited en route, and of the Rathayatra
Festival itself.
July 2005
Disappearance of Srila Gopal Bhatta Goswami
Audio: "There is some process."
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking in
America during his latest world tour:
"There is some process. If we will try to follow that process,
then we will get that knowledge, Krishna consciousness. But the
good fortune of the jiva souls (to get) that consciousness is
one in a million, and it is our good fortune that we are part
and parcel of that one."
now (RealMedia 16 Kbps streaming audio), or:
or listen online (6 minutes, 700 K mp3 audio).

Venezuelan Spanish 'Paramakaruna' Website:
updates include regular feature photos of Srila Gurudev; a
special arati kirttan for the worship of the Deities in the Caracas
Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram; photos of Harinama
in El Hatillo, a nearby town; darshan of the Deities; initiations
in the city of Maracaibo, and more....
Por Srila Govinda Maharaj hemos recibido el Arati dirigido
a nuestras Señorías Sri Sri Parama Karuna Nitai
Gaurachandra. (Archivo
PDF listo para imprimir.)
Harinama en el Pueblo del Hatillo. (Galería
de fotos.)
Darshan de Sus Señorías Sri Sri Nitai Gaurachandra.
Programa de Inciaciones en la Ciudad de Maracaibo. (Articulo
Elaborado por Idaspati Das.)
July 2005
Ukraine. Two pictures received today of Sripad
Bhakti Premik Siddhanti Maharaj leading Nama-Sankirttan soon after
arriving from Russia.

West Virginia. Rainbow
Gathering Prasadam distribution from the 'Simply Wonderful
Kitchen.' Devotees drove for three days and nights from the West
Coast to preach at this large annual event.
California. Two pictures of the recent Santa
Cruz Weekend Markets programmes, distributing Prasadam and
introducing Krishna consciousness locally.

Jose, California. Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram's
new signboard made and hung by Sarvabhavana Prabhu.
July 2005
Russia. Recent programmes with Sripad Bhakti Premik Siddhanti
Maharaj including public lectures, home programmes and initiations.

Russia. More programmes during the current tour of Sripad
Siddhanti Maharaj including nagar-sankirttan and views of construction
progress of the new Ashram. (Two pages of pictures.)
July 2005
to the Disappearance Festival of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami
Maharaj, (5th August 2005) and a service opportunity for devotees
to participate in separation.
The devotees of the Math have much hope that Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj may, health permitting, personally
be in Nabadwip to inaugurate the proceedings on this glorious
July 2005
Audio: "Higher Standard of
Devotion" Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
speaking this morning from Calcutta for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet
Radio website krsna.cc. (25 minutes,
2.9 MB mp3 audio.)

Darshan Notebook, two
updates yesterday by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu, including
news of Srila Gurudev's health and, in the afternoon, "Conclusion:"
"So now I have one last message.
Srila Govinda Maharaj says that, 'Our land is Goloka Vrindavan.'
May all the disciples, friends, servitors and well-wishers keep
this always in mind as they pass joyfully through this life of
practicing service to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga...."
July 2005
Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
yesterday: "Praising,
"His thoughts turned to the wonderful and simple-hearted
devotees of both places (Russia and USA). He gave much praise
to His Holiness Janardan Maharaj, and to Rsabdev Prabhu...."

Puri: Sri
Jagannath Rathayatra pictures, the last part (comprising
two pages) in a series of pictures taken by Gaurachandra Prabhu,
posted on the Venezuelan Ashram's Paramakaruna website. This is
one of the
recent updates on this Spanish language website.

Peregrinaje a Sripat Jagannath Puri Festival de Ratha Yatra.
de fotos, Parte IV.
July 2005
Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
Big Family:"
"I wanted to give this opportunity to Urmila DD to share
her thoughts and feelings with our family of devotees throughout
the world. Here is what she has to say...."
July 2005
Ekadasi. Fast from grains. Break fast with grains
the tomorrow between 6:58 and 9:29 a.m.
Kolkata: Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
receiving the artwork
of Urmila Devi Dasi, visiting from China. She drew the Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math's Temple domes on her recent visit to Nabadwip,
as reported by Pusta Krishna Prabhu in Friday's
notebook entry.

Venezuelan Spanish 'Paramakaruna' Website:
updates include photo series' from Venezuela, classes and:
Puri Pilgrimage. Three further pages with a variety of
pictures of Nilachala, the residents and pilgrims. Web-pages by
Gaurachandra Prabhu, posted on the Venezuelan Paramakaruna website.
Peregrinaje a Sripat Jagannath Puri. Festival de Ratha Yatra,
II and III.
July 2005
Purna Yatra of Sri Jagannath Dev (Return car
London: Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math book
stall at Finsbury Park Fair.
"Every summer, the London devotees represent the teachings
of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math at a series of summer fairs which
take place all over England. The most recent took place on a hot
Sunday at a large park in London...."
July 2005
and Penza, Russia. Recent programmes of public lectures,
nagar-sankirttan and house programmes with Sripad Bhakti Premik
Siddhanti Maharaj in Central Russia.

Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
"I am so impressed personally, as we all are, with the extraordinary
qualities of Urmila dd. She has never been outside of China before,
has never seen the ocean. ... She did an amazing drawing of the
Main Temple building [in Nabadwip] as looking from the viewing
area of the Samadhi Mandir. She presented this to Srila Govinda
Maharaj upon return to Calcutta as a gift, and so sweetly said,
'I hope that my teacher is happy with this.' Just wonderful qualities,
spontaneous affectionate service, despite all the language barriers."
July 2005
Disappearance of Sripad Ajita Krishna Brahmachari.
Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
of loving expressions:"
"...That initiated a one hour long outpouring of loving expressions
by Srila Govinda Maharaj that included many subjects. I shall
simply list some of them because they were extensive...."

Puri: Sri
Jagannath Rathayatra pictures, the first page in a series
of pictures being posted each day or two on the Venezuelan Ashram's
Paramakaruna website. This is one of several
recent updates on this Spanish language website.

Peregrinaje a Sripat Jagannath Puri Festival de Ratha Yatra.
de fotos, Parte I.
July 2005
in Russia by Sripad B.L. Akinchan Maharaj after his recent
preaching tour in the Ukraine. In Moscow His Holiness meets up
with Sripad B.B. Avadhut Maharaj and Sripad B.P. Siddhanti Maharaj
who arrived there from their own respective preaching tours.

Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
"In this way, Srila Govinda Maharaj's thoughts then turned
to the disappearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Although we
do not relish discussing the disappearance of our Lord, Srila
Govinda Maharaj made instructive points for us to understand."
July 2005
Darshan Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu
in two sections, first "A
Simple Expression of Love" quoting the exemplary heart
expression of Iswara Prasad Prabhu as he starts on his return
journey to Venezuela; followed by "It
all has come from Sri Gurudeva" sharing Srila Gurudev's
discussion of the fortune of coming in contact with Krishna
"Srila Govinda Maharaj is wanting to
say that it is so very, very rare to get this and when getting
it, we must acknowledge, as Das Goswami (Raghunath Das) has,
that what we have gotten, it all has come from Sri Gurudeva."

Malaysia. Evening preaching
programme at Wellington Estate held by devotees of our Sri
Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram, Sitiawan. Web-page by
Ramaratan Prabhu.
July 2005
Hera-panchami. Sri Sri Laksmi Vijay at Sri Puri
London: Russian
house programme led by Sripad B.C. Bharati Maharaj and
Sripad B.S. Tridandi Maharaj along with the devotees of the London
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.

Porto Alegre, Brazil, pictures of the recent
Disappearance Festival of Srila Gadadhar Pandit and Srila
Bhaktivinoda Thakur held at the Srila Govinda Maharaj Seva Mandir.
Web-page by Partha Sarathi Prabhu.
July 2005
Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu, including
news of the sudden passing away of a local Dum Dum Park devotee,
and leading on to Srila Govinda Maharaj discussing topics of Sriman
Mahaprabhu and Sri Gadadhar Pandit.
Afternoon extensive
update, including: "These stories of raga-bhakti
are intended to exemplify the nature of faith and devotion that
transcends all rules and regulations. The essential ingredient
however is faith and devotion. This was the take home message
of Srila Govinda Maharaj."

Puri bus pilgrims return safely to Nabadwip after their
full programme visiting holy places on the way there, in Puri,
and on their way back. Reports and photos expected soon....
July 2005
Quality recording is now possible on some iPods. Useful
information for the several devotees who have made a considerable
investment in the trendy iPod is that software is now available
to enable good quality recording by installing Linux on the iPod.
The procedure is given in the MacWorld article: The
Linux iPod - Geek factor.
If you don't do this, then please *don't* use your iPod to record
anything important - its native software records at a *very* poor
8 kHz - worse than the cheapest cassette recorder. More audio
information is in the Tips for
Audio page within our Tips for Multimedia

Português. Website em português http://portugues.scsmath.org
agora sendo atualizado regularmente, incluindo traduções
de vários artigos publicados no website scsmath.com em
(Portuguese language website http://portugues.scsmath.org
is now being updated regularly, including translations of the
various new items posted on the Math's English scsmath.com website.)
July 2005
Rathayatra of Sri Jagannath Dev. Disappearance
of Srila Swarupa Damodara Goswami Prabhu.
Ecuador, Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj's preaching tour.
and three
pages of pictures of the recent programmes at the Quito
Srila Sridhar Swami Seva Ashram.

Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu, with
Srila Govinda Maharaj this morning discussing about Sri Jagannath
Rathayatra and the pandas of Puri and other.

Afternoon update. Pusta Krishna Prabhu, writes:
"Sri Jagannath's Rathayatra from Puri today is on Indian
National TV and Srila Govinda Maharaj is joyfully watching the
festivities from his room in Calcutta with some of the bhaktas
here. It is very sweet to see the program in this manner because
the coverage on TV allows one to see all of the main activities.
Also, as those in Puri know, it has been raining heavily in Puri
today. Knowing Srila Govinda Maharaj's health conditions, it is
a joy to see His Divine Grace be enabled to see the Rathayatra
today from his quarters in Calcutta. Hare Krishna. All Glories
to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!! All Glories to Jagannath, Subhadra
and Baladeva!!! All Glories to the bhaktas performing Nagar Sankirtan
before the Rath-carts in Puri!!!!"

Espanol: Darshan
en Calcutta conSrila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj. Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu comparte las palabras de
aliento de su Divina Gracia Srila Govinda Maharaj.
(Translation of Pusta Krishna Prabhu's recent
'Darshan Notebook' postings.)
July 2005
Gundicha Marjana: cleaning Gundicha Temple at
Sri Puri Dham, and cleaning all Temples of the Lord.
Siberia, Sripad Siddhanti Maharaj's preaching tour. Three
pages of pictures with captions prepared by Ashutosh Krishna Prabhu.
1: from River Mana to Krasnoyarsk. Page
2: Krasnoyarsk. Page
3: from Krasnoyarsk to Tomsk.

Dum Dum Park Festival at our Sree Chaitanya Saraswata
Krishnanushilana Sangha, Kolkata, last Sunday shortly before the
main groups of devotees started out on pilgrimage by train, bus
and plane to Sri Jagannath Puri for the Rathayatra Festival.
Around forty Western devotees from Venezuela, Malaysia, Singapore,
UK, Ireland, USA, Mexico, Russia, China, Thailand, Australia and
New Zealand have made the pilgrimage this Sri Jagannath Rathayatra
time, bringing much happiness to Srila Gurudev, Srila Bhakti Sundar
Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj.
July 2005
Disappearance of Srila Gadadhar Pandit and Srila
Sachchidananda Bhaktivinoda Thakur.
July 2005
Notebook update by Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu with Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Calcutta.

Report from Siberia by Sripad B.P. Siddhanti Maharaj describing
the events shown in the pictures posted yesterday of the river
festival on the Mana River.
July 2005
Siberia. Raft
festival on the Mana River. This festival of Nagar-Sankirttan
took place last week near Krasnoyarsk city. It was organised by
the Siberian devotees, with guest of honour Sripad Bhakti Premik
Siddhanti Maharaj.

in the Crimea. Photos of current preaching in Ukraine described
in Sripad Bhakti Lalita Akinchan Maharaj's web-log 'Crimea scene.'
July 2005
July 2005
Notebook with Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
in Calcutta. Sripad Pusta Krishna Prabhu shares recent words
of encouragement of His Divine Grace Srila Govinda Maharaj.

Venezuelan Spanish language Website:
recent updates include photos
taken yesterday of Srila Bhakti Govinda Maharaj in our
Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj en Kolkatta. Galería
de fotos.
July 2005
Audio: "The lens is the devotion
of the devotee." Morning class by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir
Goswami Maharaj recently in our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.
The class begins with the following question to His Holiness:
"Krishna is the supreme male and Radharani is the supreme
female, and She is described as being His internal potency or
His pleasure potency. Prakriti, material nature, is also described
as being female, and so is the jiva soul, so I was wondering what
relation there is, if they are also part of His internal pleasure
potency? What relationship there is with Radharani if there is
now (RealMedia 16 Kbps streaming audio), or:
or listen online (48 minutes, 5.6 MB mp3 audio).
This website is ©
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated regularly.