30 April 2006
Ukraine Programmes.
Swarup Prabhu wrote from the Ukraine:
"Yesterday Sripad Madhav Maharaj held impressive lectures on Vedas in my university. The teachers were amazed by the depth of his knowledge and charisma. The students were listening with interest too...
"...Indeed, here Sripad Madhav Maharaj caused quite a transcendental sensation! His scholarly approach to Vaisnavism demonstrated to teachers and students, to common people and to the sceptics, that it is not some sectarian outlook but it is actually something that has been a forgotten by souls and by the people's culture. His 'The Slavs and the Vedas' programme shocked both devotees and guests! Indeed, one can feel that reasonable people will join Mahaprabhu's movement, irrespective of whether I join or not. The conception is great and understandable to every sincere living being."
Links of web-pages in English of some recent events, posted on the Russian site, harekrishna.ru:
Sripad B.A. Madhav Maharaj in Kiev Franko Theatre: | Sripad B.A. Madhav Maharaj in Zaporojye: | TV interview in Zaporojye. Preaching in University. A walk... and a swim [10 pictures, ~300Kb] | Preaching in Odessa | Preaching and harinama-sankirtana in Odessa | Harinama-sankirtana in Kiev: | Another Harinama-sankirtana in Kiev.
28 April 2006
Nabadwip. General pictures including fruit trees, the Book Room, devotees, construction and deer.
27 April 2006
Audio: "Gadadhar Pandit Crying, Mahaprabhu Crying - in Ecstasy" Srila
Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking
from Kolkata this morning for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website krsna.cc. (24 minutes, 2.8 MB mp3 audio.)

A Morning in Sri Nabadwip Dham in Gosala Seva. Pictures and text by Vrinda Devi Dasi. Web-page by Vaidehi Devi Dasi.
26 April 2006
Nabadwip. General pictures including re-boring the deep tube-well at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.

Nabadwip. Construction progress at the Math. (Pictures.)
24 April 2006
Nabadwip, a variety of pictures taken today at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
22 April 2006
Nabadwip. Deep-well drilling and construction progress. (Pictures.)
21 April 2006
Sevak Bhavan inaugurated. Sripad B.L. Akinchan Maharaj writes in today's iMonk.net web-log:
"Earlier this week Srila Gurudeva inaugurated the newly constructed Sevak Bhavan, a few doors down from our Sree Chaitanya Saraswata Krishnanushilana Sangha Math here in Dum Dum Park, Calcutta.
"Before going over to the new building to ceremoniously cut the ribbon of flowers across the entrance, Srila Gurudeva explained why he named the new quarters Sevak Bhavan:...."
20 April 2006
Nabadwip. Construction progress at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. (Pictures.)

Nabadwip, a variety of pictures taken today at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math including the deer.
18 April 2006
Monterrey, Mexico: Sri Gaura-Purnima report, picture-report web-page by Arjuna Prabhu.

Nabadwip. Construction progress at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. (Pictures.)
15 April 2006
Impressions on Affection. Interview with Tungabhadra Devi Dasi on pilgrimage from Russia. Interview by Vrinda Devi Dasi. Web-page by Vaidehi Devi Dasi.

Nabadwip. Construction progress at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. (Pictures.)
14 April 2006
Sadhana is also service. In today's web-log Sripad Bhakti Lalita Akinchan Maharaj writes:
"Sometimes we think that because service is stressed above all else, our sadhana (regulated spiritual practice, like chanting japa and Gayatri) is not so important. This cavalier interpretation, if we are not careful, can become a slippery slope that leads to doing nothing at all because our sadhana is also our service to Srila Gurudeva...."

Govardhan, raising the chakras to the dome tops of our Srila Sridhar Swami Seva Ashram, Dasbisa, Govardhan. (Pictures.)
13 April 2006
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math pictures today. Views from the top of the Centenary Memorial Building
including new construction of a five-storey guesthouse.
9 April 2006
Terni, Italy. Sri Gaura Purnima hosted by Mohita Krishna Prabhu with guest-of honour Sripad B.S. Tridandi Maharaj. Two web-pages by Malini Devi Dasi who came from Malta for the occasion.

Italy, ritvik initiations held by Sripad B.S. Tridandi Maharaj on behalf of His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Two web-pages by Malini Devi Dasi.
7 April 2006
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj proceeds to Kolkata from Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Pictures, captions and web-page by Vaidehi Devi Dasi.

Another reminder. In today's iMonk.net blog, Sripad Akinchan Maharaj writes from Nabadwip:
"Srila Gurudeva reminds us that Krishna consciousness is not an esoteric process intelligible to only a chosen few. It is for everybody — even fools like us. All we have to do is follow this basic principle:..."
4 April 2006
California. Christmas Eve Charity Celebration at the Beach Flats Community Center, Santa Cruz distributing prasadam and toys to the local children. Two web-pages by Neelamani Prabhu.
Sanatani Devi Dasi writes:
"This year, through the incredible efforts of Diksavati Didi, Rasangi Didi, Krsna Priya Didi, and Jivana Didi, we gave away over 300 toys! Also, this was the best year for prasadam distribution. All the guests ate to their full satisfaction...."
1 April 2006
iMonk.net. Journey into consciousness. Sripad B.L. Akinchan Maharaj writes:
"What is Krishna consciousness?
"Krishna consciousness is a revolution of consciousness: the total transformation of our consciousness from the mundane to the supramundane, from the self to the super-self, from illusion to reality...."
This website is ©
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated regularly.