N.B. To download audio files (or any linked file) to your computer: right-click on the link, then click on 'Download Link' or 'Save Link As...' or 'Save Target As...' or similar wording.
Audio: Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj's
selected darshans recorded
recently in Nabadwip:

Audio: "Today is the Disappearance Day of Ramananda Ray. Two exclusive General preachers and servitors of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: one is Swarup Damodar, and another is Ramananda Ray."
Srila Govinda Maharaj's informal morning darshan, 7 May 2007.
(36+ minutes, 4.2 MB mp3 audio in higher quality: 8.4 MB.)

Audio: "Everyone is related with this theory: not to be envious, and not to be violent, and not to kill others. Here all religion is the same like that. All the devotional mood and spirit within this is same. But there some classification Mahaprabhu Chaitanyadev has given, and that is the best for the Kali-yuga entities, jiva souls, that is: sravan kirttan."
Srila Govinda Maharaj's informal morning darshan, 2 May 2007.
(28+ minutes, 3.3 MB mp3 audio in higher quality: 6.5 MB.)

Audio: Chastity and sincerity will give super position. "When we are initiated and we are surrendered to Guru, that surrender will not be for show, surrender must be pure. I am always telling to our friends: chastity and sincerity will give super position."
Srila Govinda Maharaj's informal morning darshan, 13 March 2007.
(29+ minutes, 3.4 MB mp3 audio in higher quality: 6.7 MB.)

Upcoming World Tour of Srila Govinda Maharaj? Many devotees have asked about Srila Gurudev's travel plans. Srila Govinda Maharaj *may* travel abroad in 2007, but it is by no means certain. His Divine Grace has been invited by countless devotees to visit all corners of the world, and expressed he would be happy to fulfil all of these invitations but his health is the limiting factor.
If His Divine Grace will travel, he is likely to attend the installation of the Deities in the new Veracruz Ashram, Mexico, and while abroad may well visit Venezuela; California; London and Russia.
We shall give news here and on our World Tours web-page should the hopes of the devotees become reality for Srila Govinda Maharaj to visit the West this year.

Invitation to our Annual Jagannath Rathayatra Pilgrimage, starting out from Nabadwip 11th July, returning to Nabadwip 18th July. In order to help cover costs, the requested donation is Rs2,400 (approx. $60) which is: inclusive of return 2nd Class (non-A/C) rail travel Nabadwip-Puri-Nabadwip, shared accommodation at our Sevak Bhavan Guesthouse in Puri, and Prasadam and local bus excursions from Puri. For those making their own travel arrangements to Puri, there is a Rs400 deduction for just the Puri programme. Please let us know soon if you will be attending as reservations are required early since around a million pilgrims converge on Puri for this festival. (Invitation in Bengali.)

Nabadwip. Srila Govinda Maharaj's scooter ride to Sri Govinda Kunda. His Divine Grace sees the builders' work, visits the two Temples and goes around the Kunda. Series of thirty-five larger pictures sharing last Sunday afternoon.

Malaysia. Grand Opening of the new Ashram at Bukit Beruntung near Kuala Lumpur by chief guest sent by Srila Govinda Maharaj as his personal representative: Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj, the Manager of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat, Nabadwip. Web-page by Rama Ratan Prabhu.

Malaysia and Singapore. Additional pages from Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj's recent visit:
Klang, Mohini Ekadasi programme in our centre, hosted by Lalita Krishna Prabhu;
Sitiawan, programme at the Sanatana Dharma Ashram;
Sitiawan, Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi programme at our Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram (two web-pages);
Singapore, the last day's programme before Sripad Acharyya Maharaj returns to India, posted by Sachinandan Prabhu on the Singapore website, scsmathsg.com.

Czech Magazine Article. (140 K pdf download.) Madhavendra Prabhu and Anasuya Devi Dasi write: "We were addressed by the editors of a Czech independent magazine to make an interview about the mission of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. We had the opportunity to introduce our Srila Gurudev Srila Govinda Maharaj, Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and also our Sri Sridhar-Govinda Sangha, Czech mission.
We hope this finds Srila Gurudev well and pray he will be pleased by our tiny efforts in his service." (140 K pdf download and view with Acrobat Reader or similar.)

Polish website inaugurated by Vidya Sundar Prabhu, giving the first introduction to our Mission on the internet in the Polish language: http://poland.scsmath.org.

Venezuela. Prestigious public programmes for heads of Government and international dignitaries. This preaching programme took place
in the Venezuela Department of Defence, with the
presence of the Secretary of Defence and all the
highest military entourage of Venezuela. In the morning our devotees had the opportunity to present Krishna consciousness to the gathering and then chant the Mahamantra. In the evening the devotees performed traditional Indian dance and explained the connection with Krishna and His lila. Forty-two pictures posted on the paramakaruna.org.ve website.

Venezuela. Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi celebrated at the Caracas Temple. Picture series posted on their paramakaruna.org.ve website.

California. The Santa Cruz Saturday Market run by Nitya Hari Prabhu with assistance of other devotees, every Saturday (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) until November 24th. It is an on-going open-air market at San Lorenzo Park offering wholesome activities, food, crafts, etc. for all the family. Directions and information are available on their attractive website, santacruzsaturdaymarket.org, designed by Krishnendrani Devi Dasi.

California. San Jose, "Sunday School" anecdotes and pictures from the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram, posted by Brajeswar Prabhu on his lively web-site, undereternityblue.com.

Video. California: Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi festival held at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram, Soquel. Video shot and edited by Vaidehi Devi Dasi. (*Download* then play using QuickTime or VLC, etc.: 3 minutes, 7.4 MB mp4 video.)

Veracruz, Mexico. Sharing a happy day out on nagar-sankirttan, book distribution and bhoga collection in Mexico's premier port city. Fifty-seven pictures selected from hundreds sent recently for the satisfaction of Srila Govinda Maharaj. (4+ minutes, 2 MB QuickTime slide-show.)

Porto Alegre, Brazil. Inspiring report and pictures sent by Sripad B.V. Trivikram Maharaj describing the enthusiasm and success of the preaching of the Srila Govinda Maharaj Seva Sangha under the local leadership of Partha Sarathi Prabhu and Siva Nandini Devi Dasi.

Porto Alegre, Sri Gaura-Purnima and development of the Seva Sangha. Web-page by Partha Sarathi Prabhu.

Philippines, book distribution in Manila by devotees of our Math. Web-page of photos sent by Ratnanabha Prabhu.

Turkey, Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi held at the Sri Govinda Math Yoga Centre hosted by Ramaray Prabhu who introduces newcomers to the concept of Lord Nrsimhadev. Web-page of report and pictures posted on the Turkish website govindamath.com. Also available in Turkish.

Many recent Russian and Ukrainian web-pages of a variety of recent devotional events, posted in the Spring 2007 Photo-archive of the English section of the Russian Mission's website, harekrishna.ru/english.
4 May 2007
Audio: "Chintamani prakara sadmasu kalpa vrksa.... One Laksmi full of opulence we will see at Narayan's lotus feet, but here in Vrindavan, millions of Laksmis are serving Govindam who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Brahma-samhita expressed so beautifully, widely and gloriously, Sri Govinda Dham."
Srila Govinda Maharaj's informal morning darshan, 3 May 2007.
(35+ minutes, 4.1 MB mp3 audio in higher quality: 8.1 MB.)

'Land of Nectar' children's colouring book presented to the lotus hands of Srila Govinda Maharaj by Rasa Mayi Pandita Devi Dasi of Holland who drew by hand all the line-art pictures. The images are mainly related to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, each accompanied by a selected sloka or quotation.

California. Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj returns to the Soquel Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram after his pilgrimage to the lotus feet of Srila Govinda Maharaj in Nabadwip. Web-page of pictures and captions, by Vaidehi Devi Dasi.

Japanese website inaugurated by Ajitasa Devi Dasi, giving the first introduction to our Mission on the internet in the Japanese language: http://japanese.scsmath.org.
2 May 2007
Audio: Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi. Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj chants the glories of Prahlad Maharaj, and relates the lila of Sri Nrsimhhadev's appearance.
(45+ minutes, 5.3 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 10.5 MB.)

Audio: Leading kirttan on Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi at the conclusion of the first part of the early evening programme in the nat-mandir.
(3+ minutes, 600 K mp3 audio)

Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, programme headed by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Pictures of the main event.

Singapore. Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj leads a house programme on his way from Nabadwip to Malaysia for various programmes headed by the observance of Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi, and the opening of a new centre. Web-page of pictures posted by Sachinandan Prabhu on the new Singapore website http://scsmathsg.com.
This website is ©
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated regularly.