N.B. To download files (audio, QuickTime slides, or any linked file on our websites) to your computer: right-click on the link (or control-click on a Mac) then click on 'Download Link' or 'Save Link As...' or 'Save Target As...' or similar wording.
(28 May 2008)
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Kolkata and pictures of our recently repainted Dum Dum Park Temple.

Nabadwip. Group photo with Srila Govinda Maharaj taken on the steps of Sri Govinda Kunda during the recent Sri Gaura-Purnima celebrations.

Ekachakra. Preparing the foundations for our new ashram at the village of Nityananda Prabhu's appearance. Photos in two zip files, file 1 | file 2 posted by Nimai Chandra Prabhu on his website, vaisnavadarshan.com.

Bamunpara. Pouring the concrete roof at the new ashram building at our Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram. Pictures in seven zip files, file 1 | file 2 | file 3 | file 4 | file 5| file 6 | file 7 posted by Nimai Chandra Prabhu on his website, vaisnavadarshan.com.
Also a short video as everyone works busily to finish the roof: a 4+ MB 'mov' video file, 5+ minutes and streams if you have the speed, or download and view with QuickTime, iTunes, VLC, etc.

iCal Vaishnava calendar now available for automatic notifications for the current year up to Sri Gaura-Purnima 2009, as followed at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip. Prepared by Sadhu Priya Prabhu, the calendar is independent of time-zone settings. Available for Macintosh computers running iCal, and for PCs using the free 'Sunbird' download. 16 kilobytes download, then expand and drag to the calendar window.

Mexico report and pictures about the programme of the youth section in the
Community of Morelia Michoacan. Four pages, 2.2 MB pdf file sent by Bhagavan Prabhu.

A lively selection of videos, slide-shows, lectures, articles and plays in the steady flow of updates on paramakaruna.org.ve the Spanish language Venezuelan website of our Caracas Temple. Srila Govinda Maharaj particularly liked watching the video of their Sri Nrsimha-chaturdasi play.

DevaGoswami.com website of videos launched by Nityananda Ram Prabhu of Colombia with hundreds of videos of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj and activities of the devotees in Venezuela, and the various videos made by Vaidehi Devi Dasi.

New Russian website, bharati.ru dedicated to the works of Sripad Bhakti Chaitanya Bharati Maharaj with his translations of several books and many audio recordings of His Holiness' lectures.
(25 May 2008)
Disappearance of Srila Ramananda Ray
Audio. Srila Ramananda Ray's glories. This morning's informal darshan by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj:
"After Mahaprabhu, Swarup Damodar disappeared. But Ramananda Ray was so strong and strict and affectionate natured. He managed everything there in Puri Dham and everything was very quiet. We do not know if it was Mahaprabhu's instruction to him or not, but practically we are seeing that if Ramananda Ray was not there, the whole situation would have been so much sad and intolerable."
Informal morning darshan, 25 May 2008:
 41 minutes, 4.9 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 9.8 MB.

From this day last year:

Audio: "Today is the Disappearance Day of Ramananda Ray. Two exclusive General Preachers and servitors of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: one is Swarup Damodar, and another is Ramananda Ray."
Srila Govinda Maharaj's informal morning darshan, 7 May 2007.
(36+ minutes, 4.2 MB mp3 audio in higher quality: 8.4 MB.)
(18 May 2008)
Sri Nrsimha-chaturdasi: Appearance day of Sri Nrsimhadev. Full fast until after sunset, then no grains (anukalpa).
In China all devotees are well and accounted for in Sichuan, the province recently hit by a big earthquake. By the grace of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga, Yudhamanyu Prabhu Seva Vikram and the several local devotees in the area escaped injury although several endured hardships.

Singapore and Malaysia. Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj visits the devotional communities in these two countries, and will hold the main Nrsimha Chaturdasi Festival tonight in our Sitiawan Centre, Perak, Malaysia. His Holiness is accompanied by Nimai Chandra Prabhu who has posted on his website many pictures and videos for Srila Govinda Maharaj to see and all to share.

Twenty-nine complete eBooks and 108 Audio and Video files are now available as part of the recent updates on the New Jersey Website, scsmathnj.com, maintained by Gokulananda Prabhu under the guidance of Sripad B.K. Giri Maharaj.

The Video now streams that was made by Vaidehi Devi Dasi and posted on 11th May. It is now a 10+ MB 'mov' video file, 7+ minutes and streams if you have the speed, or download and view with a fairly recent version of QuickTime, iTunes, VLC, etc.

From previous years, relevant to today, Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi:

by Affection' -- Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
gives an historic
account of the events that surrounded his first days at Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math and of his coming to the Math on this day in 1947.
Audio: Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi. Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda
Dev-Goswami Maharaj chants the glories of Prahlad Maharaj, and relates the lila of Sri Nrsimhhadev's appearance, May 2007.
(45+ minutes, 5.3 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 10.5 MB.)

Audio: Leading kirttan on Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi at the conclusion of the first part of the early evening programme in the nat-mandir, May 2007.
(3+ minutes, 600 K mp3 audio)

Audio: Sri Nrsimha Chaturdasi informal morning talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his verandah in Kolkata, May 2006. Discussing his earlier days in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and the power of Srila Guru Maharaj.
or listen online (37+ minutes, 6.5 MB mp3 audio).

Sri Nrisimha Chaturdasi. Hear Srila
Govinda Maharaj's lecture on this day in 1999, also read
a transcript by Sadhu Priya Prabhu of this talk.
 Audio part
(15 mins 3.7 MB mp3 audio).
 Audio part two (13+ mins 3.2 MB mp3 audio file).

Holy Appearance Day of Lord Nrsimhadeva. Two page illustrated
extract from the discourse given by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti
Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on Sri Nrsimha-chaturdasi day
1999, at Sri Govinda Dham, Murwillumbah, Australia.
(11 May 2008)
Video. It is very essential to read the introduction of the books. Informal morning darshan by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Dum Dum Park, 28th April 2008. 7+ minutes, zipped 10+ MB 'mov' video file. (Download, unzip, and view with a fairly recent version of QuickTime, iTunes, VLC, etc.)

Srila Govinda Maharaj's introduction to Sri Brahma-samhita referred to by His Divine Grace in the above video.

Audio. Soundtracks of the three recent videos of darshans by Srila Govinda Maharaj. For those who face difficulty downloading the larger video files, here are the soundtracks of the videos posted on 24th April and today:
28th April 2008: 7+ minutes, 1+ MB mp3 audio
26th April 2008: 29 minutes, 5+ MB mp3 audio
24th April 2008: 29+ minutes, 5+ MB mp3 audio

Ekachakra construction gets under way to start our new Ashram at the village of Nityananda Prabhu's appearance. This village is also known as Virachandrapur in remembrance of Nityananda Prabhu's son. Selection of larger photos (1,200 pixels) in five zip files, file 1 | file 2 | file 3 | file 4 | file 5, posted by Nimai Chandra Prabhu on his website, vaisnavadarshan.com.

Californian Vaisnava Calendar with local Ekadasi dates and paran times. Two versions of the calendar: events as a list and as a wall calendar, prepared by Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj.
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Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip.
Founder-Acharyya: Srila B. R. Sridhar Maharaj
President-Acharyya: Srila B. S. Govinda Maharaj
www.scsmath.com - online since 1995. Updated regularly.