Date Recorded
26 January 2006
"Foundational Strength Through Humility" Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking from Nabadwip yesterday for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website krsna.cc. (9+ minutes, 1.7 MB mp3 audio.)
02 February 2006
"Vedavyas's gift was all for Krishna consciousness." Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj discusses the Scriptures revealed by Vedavyas and Sri Garga Risi. "Different kind of person, different kind of culture, different kind of lifestyle, different kind of dress. Everything different. But one is the same for everyone: that is religion."
Balarama's Pranam Mantram quoted by Srila Govinda Maharaj from Sri Garga-Samhita is given here.
 Download, or listen online (45 minutes, 5.2 MB mp3 audio, recorded in February 2006).
03 February 2006
"Vasanta Panchami." Discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Nabadwip on the first day of spring this year, the auspicious day of: Sri Saraswati Puja; the appearance day of Sri Vishnu Priya Devi and the appearance of Srila Pundarik Vidyanidhi, Srila Raghunath das Goswami and Srila Raghunandana Thakur; and the disappearance of Srila Viswanath Chakravarti Thakur, Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Viveka Bharati Maharaj and Tridandi Swami Srimad Bhakti Svarupa Parvat Maharaj.

Download, or listen online (43+ minutes, 5 MB mp3 audio).
08 February 2006
"Ramanujacharyya appeared for the correction of the Sankara Sampradaya." Morning talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his veranda in Nabadwip earlier this year.
Download, or listen online (48+ minutes, 5.6 MB mp3 audio).
06 May 2006
"What You Have Received From Your Guru, You Must Give...."
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking from Kolkata this morning for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website, krsna.cc. (16+ minutes, 2.9 MB mp3 audio.)
12 May 2006
Sri Nrsimha-chaturdasi informal morning talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his verandah in Kolkata. Discussing his earlier days in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and the power of Srila Guru Maharaj.

Download, or listen online (37+ minutes, 6.5 MB mp3 audio).
03 June 2006
"Clean and clear vision will come through the mercy of Sri Gurudev." Discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on Saturday morning in Dum Dum Park.

Download, or listen online (27+ minutes, 3.2 MB mp3 audio);

or: High quality (6.5 MB).
01-04 June 2006
Cuatro clases recientes con Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj en Caracas, en el website español: paramakaruna.org.ve. Formato MP3. [Four recent classes in Spanish given by Sripad Bhakti Pavan Janardan Maharaj on his current visit to our Sri Chaitanya Sridhar Govinda Seva Ashram, Caracas. MP3 audio posted on the Spanish website paramakaruna.org.ve.]

01 de junio de 2006 (3.4 MB mp3 audio);

02 de junio de 2006 (3.5 MB mp3 audio);

03 de junio de 2006 (3.5 MB mp3 audio);

04 de junio de 2006 (2.9 MB mp3 audio).
09 June 2006
"Panihati Festival." This morning's discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in Dum Dum Park.
Download, or listen online (27+ minutes, 3.2 MB mp3 audio).
10 June 2006
Today's informal morning talk by Srila Govinda Maharaj with the devotees on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, with extensive interaction with Sripad Goswami Maharaj who asked, "Are the Ashraya Vigrahas chit-shakti or jiva-shakti?" Srila Govinda Maharaj discussed various topics throughout this morning's talks and explained, "All the Vraja Gopis and Vraja-basis have Prem to Krishna, and the extract of their Prem has taken form as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."

Download, or listen online (40+ minutes, 4.7 MB mp3 audio).
11 June 2006
This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in remembrance of this day of the Snan Yatra of Sri Jagannath Dev and the disappearance of Srila Mukunda Datta and Srila Sridhar Pandit. Extensive interaction with Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj heading devotees gathered on Srila Gurudev's veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple including Sripad B.L. Akinchan Maharaj, Sripad B.P. Siddhanti Maharaj, Sripad B.S. Niskinchan Maharaj, Sripad B.S. Jitendriya Maharaj and Sripad B.M. Mangal Maharaj.

Download, or listen online (35+ minutes, 4.1 MB mp3 audio).
12 June 2006
In my life I have seen so many miracles...." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in glorification of Sripad Rsabdev Prabhu of USA who passed away on this day six years ago.

Download, or listen online (29+ minutes, 3.4 MB mp3 audio).
08 June 2006
"We must be serious about the ruling of Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanyadev... I want to give remembrance to everyone." This morning's class to the devotees by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj. Praphulla Krishna Prabhu of Brazil reported, "Srila Gurudev was looking directly into the faces of the devotees one by one, stressing to them the importance of Mahaprabhu's teachings of humility, tolerance and giving honour to others."

Download, or listen online (19+ minutes, 2.3 MB mp3 audio).
12 June 2006
Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj discussing Srimad Bhagavad-gita and how, in his young days, he heard it from Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupad. Morning class from June this year.

Download, or listen online (33 minutes, 3.8 MB mp3 audio).
16 June 2006
"For two or three days I am thinking it - how shall I say to the devotees? .... It is necessary to follow what I will say now. That will be so important and so good for my friends."
Emphatic morning discourse given by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj earlier this year in Nabadwip. During the class we also hear briefly the voice of Dr. Dolgovinda Shastri, Srila Gurudev's Sanskrit teacher from fifty years ago.

Download, or listen online (33+ minutes, 4 MB mp3 audio).
17 June 2006
First live class over the Internet from Kolkata to the West
With the arrival of faster Internet access at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj tests the technology for live discourses from India. In coordination with Sripad Bhuvana Mohan Prabhu in Brazil, Sripad Goswami Maharaj delivered a class from our Temple in Kolkata to our Ashram in Sao Paulo. During the class, Sripad Goswami Maharaj mentions:
"Someone might be bewildered and think, 'Why are the sadhus using all this technology?' That also came in the time of Srila Saraswati Thakur, and his response was very surprising, original and instructive. He said, 'Actually, the latest technology should only be allowed to be used by sadhus, those who are Krishna conscious, because only they have a legitimate right to use it because they are conveying something substantial.' So we aspire to that, and we think that he may be blessing us with this attempt now....
"Srila Saraswati Thakur, we know that he would be pleased with this sort of transaction. He told that the printing press was the brihat mrdanga. We know a mrdanga, you can hear it for a block, a few blocks, but he said the printing press was the brihat mrdanga. But if that is the brihat mrdanga, then how shall we conceive of the Internet? As the maha-maha brihat mrdanga. Now we are beating that drum."
Praphulla Krishna Prabhu of Brazil was with Sripad Goswami Maharaj in Kolkata, and he introduces this lively, topical class.

Download, or listen online (25 minutes, 3 MB mp3 audio).
28 June 2006
"Krishna is Autocrat - not Democrat, Communist, or our Servant." Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking
from Kolkata this morning with particular reference to Sri Jagannath Rathayatra, for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website. krsna.cc. (20+ minutes, 2.4MB mp3 audio.)
30 June 2006
Today's Sri Laksmi Vijay morning discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Kolkata Dum Dum Park Temple. The talk starts with Srila Govinda Maharaj describing Laksmi Devi's 'victory' over Lord Jagannath.

Download, or listen online (18+ minutes, 2.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4.4 MB).
03 July 2006
"The Whole Conception of Sri Chaitanyadev...." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Kolkata Dum Dum Park Temple.

Download, or listen online (9 minutes, 1.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.2 MB).
04 July 2006
Glorification of Ajit Krishna Brahmachari Prabhu who passed away over thirty years ago. Morning informal discourse two days ago, on Ajit Krishna Prabhu's disappearance day, by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Kolkata Dum Dum Park Temple. His Divine Grace mentions, "Happily he was doing everything. That type of brahmachari was the wealth of our Mission." And: "I am fortunate that I have seen like him - a great Vaishnava. Very rare to get." While listening, please note that in Bengal the expression 'too much' generally means 'very much.'

Download, or listen online (26 minutes, 3.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (6.4 MB).
05 July 2006
"Achintya-bhedabheda." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Kolkata Dum Dum Park Temple.

Download, or listen online (18 minutes, 2.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4.5 MB).
08 July 2006
"We are fortunate that we are participating." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Kolkata Dum Dum Park Temple.
His Divine Grace mentions, "Krishna has mercifully given us so much opportunity, if we will take that opportunity we will be great."

Download, or listen online (17 minutes, 2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4 MB).
20 July 2006
Anartha is a very interesting word. Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj giving an informal morning class at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, last month before going to Russia.
"Generally we think of 'anartha' as 'unwanted things,' 'undesirable things' but Srila Guru Maharaj once gave an explanation that I think can provide some insight...."

Download, or listen online (59+ minutes, 6.7 MB mp3 audio)
8 July 2006
Live class by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj by internet link from Kolkata to Brazil last weekend. "My humble plea to you all is to give your attention to the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."

Download, or listen online (49+ minutes, 5.9 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (11.9 MB).
30 July 2006
Everything we have, in connection with Krishna consciousness, somebody gave to us. Prabhu Srutasrava gives a lively address to the assembled devotees during the Sunday Programme at the Soquel Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram just after arriving from Brazil and just before leaving for India.
"It is our duty to always try to stay in touch with the real flow of Vaisnavism that is coming from our Guru-varga and being carried by the various agents of Gurudeva. And always some sweet arrangement is waiting for us to shelter us and protect us on the spiritual path."

Download, or listen online (52+ minutes, 6 MB mp3 audio)
11 July 2006
Beginning of Chaturmasya, the four months of the rainy season. Today's early morning informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. The background sound is rain falling on the neighbouring roof.

Download, or listen online (16+ minutes, 1.9 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.9 MB).
12 July 2006
"Moderation." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (9 minutes, 1.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.1 MB).
14 July 2006
This morning's informal discourse in praise of Sripad Sanatan Prabhu (Mr S.S. Sanyal) of Kolkata by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple. Sripad Sanatan Prabhu passed away on 14 July 2002.

Download, or listen online (22+ minutes, 2.7 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (5.3 MB).
17 July 2006
At present our preaching method, it has become so big. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (8+ minutes, 1.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.2 MB).
18 July 2006
Brief history of our Temple at Sripat Hapaniya. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (32+ minutes, 3.7 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (7.4 MB).
19 July 2006
Rainy season. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, during heavy rains in Kolkata. With thunder rolling outside, Srila Gurudev recites a sloka he composed on the train in the rain one day on the way from Nabadwip.

Download, or listen online (8+ minutes, 1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2 MB).
20 July 2006
"I am getting so much from Srimad Bhagavad-gita." This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple.

Download, or listen online (11+ minutes, 1.4 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.7 MB).
22 July 2006
Sravan-kirttan is the best. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple. About half way through this talk His Divine Grace is, from time to time, reciting slokas from a manuscript on his desk.

Download, or listen online (13 minutes, 1.5 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3 MB).
23 July 2006
Mahabharat is the fifth veda. This morning's short informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (4 minutes, 500 K mp3 audio)

higher quality (1 MB).
24 July 2006
Vedavyas had so much experience. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (13 minutes, 1.6 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.1 MB).
25 July 2006
Prabhu Sarvabhavana addresses the Festival assembly this morning at Srila Guru Maharaj's Samadhi Mandir, Nabadwip.

Download, or listen online (6+ minutes, 730 KB mp3 audio)
25 July 2006
Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj in Soquel addresses the Disappearance Festival of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram. Audio posted on the Californian website.

Download, or listen online (64 minutes, 7.3 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (14.7 MB).
25 July 2006
Disappearance Festival Lecture yesterday in the nat-mandir of our Dum Dum Park Temple, by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj in glorification of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.

Download, or listen online (32 minutes, 3.7 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (7.4 MB).
25 July 2006
Srila Govinda Maharaj singing 'Sri Guru Arati-stuti' and 'Sri Rupa Manjari Pada' and 'Viraha-giti' at yesterday's Disappearance Festival.

Download, or listen online (16+ minutes, 3.8 MB mp3 audio)
16 July 2006
Introductory talk by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj as he discusses karma and seva answering questions from Maria, a newcomer pilgrim from America. Devotees commented that this is a practical talk for introducing sincere seekers to our basic conception.

Part One:
Download, or listen online (29 minutes, 3.3 MB mp3 audio), or higher quality (6.6 MB)

Part Two:
Download, or listen online (31 minutes, 3.6 MB mp3 audio), or higher quality (7.1 MB)
29 July 2006
Krishna consciousness is a very clean devotional line. This morning's short, clear, informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (3+ minutes, 450 K mp3 audio)

higher quality (900 K).
28 July 2006
Two recent morning classes by Prabhu Sarvabhavana at Srila Guru Maharaj's Samadhi Mandir here in Nabadwip. He reads from 'Affectionate Guidance' by Srila Govinda Maharaj, discusses the topics and answers questions from the devotees present. Although thesetwo recordings have background noise due to the fan and the type of recorder, the classes are still audible.

28 July: Download, or listen online (61 minutes, 7 MB mp3 audio)

25 July, early morning: Download, or listen online (45+ minutes, 5.3 MB mp3 audio)
30 July 2006
"Saranagati to Humility, Tolerance and Giving Honour to Others." Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking from Kolkata this morning for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website, krsna.cc. (22+ minutes, 2.6 MB mp3 audio.) "My whole life I speak, and everyone is hearing that, and they are hearing so many things. But to say is easy, but to do is difficult."
02 August 2006
Prabhu Srutasrava's radio address to 20,000 in Sao Paulo during his recent preaching tour of Brazil. A clear outline of Krishna consciousness to the public, and an inspiration to those already on the path of devotion. "Bhakti Yoga is the yoga of the heart, so the topmost requirement is to have a heart."
The talk is in English, with Prabhu Bhuvana Mohan translating into Portuguese for the Brazilian listeners. The lady interviewer is the much respected Marcia de Luca, the owner and director of the CIYMA, the 'Integrated Center for Yoga, Meditation and Ayurveda.'

Download, or listen online (32+ minutes, 5.6 MB mp3 audio)
03 August 2006
His Master's Voice. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (27+ minutes, 3.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (6.4 MB).
04 August 2006
The News of Faith. An outstanding talk this morning by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, pleased to be in the company of four new arrivals from abroad.

Download, or listen online (35+ minutes, 4.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (8.2 MB).
06 August 2006
Today is... Rupa Goswami Prabhu's disappearance day, and disappearance of Gauri Das Pandit, (a) very good day for me.... This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (27+ minutes, 3.2 MB mp3

higher quality (6.3 MB).
08 August 2006
Krishna is all-accommodating, (He) can accommodate everyone, everything. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (10 minutes, 1.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.3 MB).
06 August 2006
Our illustrious Srila Gurudev. Prabhu Srutasrava gives a morning class at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, last Sunday, Srila Rupa Goswami's disappearance day.
"Our appreciation for Krishna consciousness is our Krishna consciousness.... Krishna consciousness is something to us to the degree we appreciate it."
"Srila Gurudev was explaining this morning a very, very important point for all of us: our approach to Krishna consciousness is not like government legislation, not like the rules of the government. And he said right then: although his Guru Maharaj was extremely strict, he is actually equally as strict, but we have to voluntarily give ourselves to that. He doesn't impose it on us. And that is based on love."
Download, or listen online (49 minutes, 5.6 MB mp3 audio)
09 August 2006
Appearance of Sri Baladeva. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (13+ minutes, 1.6 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.1 MB).
11 August 2006
Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Travels to the Holy Places. Prabhu Sarvabhavana reads from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita yesterday during the morning class at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. He starts at the beginning of Madhya-lila, Chapter 9.

Download, or listen online (39+ minutes, 4.5 MB mp3 audio)
12 August 2006
We're here to be trained, trained to find good everywhere. Prabhu Srutasrava continues reading from Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita (Madhya, 9) then reflects on these teachings in the contemporary world. Yesterday's morning class at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata:
Reading, with comments:

Download, or listen online (38+ minutes, 4.4 MB mp3 audio)

Download, or listen online (16+ minutes, 1.9 MB mp3 audio)
13 August 2006
Reading of Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita. Prabhu Sarvabhavana completes reading chapter 9 of the Madhya-lila during yesterday's morning class at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata:

Download, or listen online (27+ minutes, 3.1 MB mp3 audio)
16 August 2006
Sri Krishna Janmastami. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. Later in the day His Divine Grace did indeed accept the invitation mentioned in this talk, and went to lead the Festival at our Kaikhali Temple, near Kolkata Airport.
"We will take anukalpa (a small amount of non-grains food) on Ekadasi, twice we are taking. But on Janmastami we are not taking that. On Janmastami we are completely fasting."
"Vedavyasa very cleverly expressed the character of Lord Krishna.... Then we can understand what is the position of Lord Krishna and what is the position of Krishna's Rasa-lila. First we will see Him like a sun, from far, the fireball. The sun is a big fireball, but lookable from far, not near. Krishna's character is like that."

or listen online (27 minutes, 3.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (6.2 MB mp3 audio).
20 August 2006
Only one sloka Mahaprabhu gave to us for our practising life. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. "Only one sloka Mahaprabhu gave to us for our practising life...: trinad api sunichena, taror iva sahisnuna, amanina manadena, kirtaniyah sada harih. Very simple."

or listen online (19+ minutes, 2.4 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4.7 MB mp3 audio).
25 August 2006
How special is that day! Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj addresses Brazil and Russia simultaneously from our Dum Dum Park Temple earlier this year, on the theme of Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Day.
"As Srila Gurudev was pointing out the other day: it is the ideal time, spiritually speaking, to start something new.... Krishna has so many jyotishis (astrologers), other than Him knowing everything..., so if He decides that this is the particular day that He will go to Vrindavan, that He will start from Dwaraka for Vrindavan, then we can understand how special is that day."
"The devotees wisely invest all their serving capital at the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu wherein lies the entrance to Vrindavan.... This is one of the open secrets of the Krishna consciousness movement, that the entrance way to Vrindavan is located in Nabadwip and at the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."

Download, or listen online (47 minutes, 5.5 MB mp3 audio)
29 August 2006
The new Srimad Bhagavad-gita, The Hidden Treasure of the Sweet Absolute. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, as he looks through this new edition presented to his lotus hands bySripad Swarupananda Prabhu.
"This kind of explanation is only possible by Srila Guru Maharaj, and that we have got within this book.... Now maybe there are 800 commentaries [on Gita], but nowhere is there a commentary like this."

Download, or listen online (19+ minutes, 2.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4.4 MB mp3 audio).
31 August 2006
Sri Lalita-saptami. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. Included in this talk His Divine Grace chants the glories of Lalita Devi and relates his visit with Srila Guru Maharaj to the place of Lalita Devi in Vrindavan.

Download, or listen online (44+ minutes, 5.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (10.2 MB mp3 audio).
01 September 2006
Sri Radhastami. Today's beautiful, special morning discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.
 Download, or listen online (46+ minutes, 5.4 MB mp3 audio)
 higher quality (10.7 MB mp3 audio) -- and Video tomorrow....
02 September 2006
The first audio diary entry of Annapurna Devi Dasi reporting from our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata, in the association of Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj and his devotees. Her report includes a description of the Appearance Day Festival of Sri Lalita Devi and glorification of the devotees currently staying there.
 Download, or listen online (11+ minutes, 1.3 MB mp3 audio).
05 September 2006
Jiva Goswami Prabhu's avirbhava today. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. "Our whole society is depending upon Rupa, Sanatan and Jiva Goswami Prabhus' mercy."
 Download, or listen online (27 minutes, 3.1 MB mp3 audio)
 higher quality (6.2 MB mp3 audio).
06 September 2006
Appearance of Srila Sachchidananda Bhaktivinod Thakur. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. "Srila Guru Maharaj... mentions...: 'Not only is he (Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur) the giver of service to Vrindavan Dham, he can give service to Radharani.'"
 Download, or listen online (34 minutes, 4 MB mp3 audio)
 higher quality (7.8 MB mp3 audio).
06 September 2006
In praise of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur: a sloka by Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, and a paragraph by Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur, read by Sripad B.P. Tirtha Maharaj from the Bengali Sri Gaudiya Darshan magazines of 1955.
 Download, or listen online (2+ minutes, 400 K mp3 audio)
06 September 2006
Interview with Sadhu Priya Prabhu by Annapurna Devi Dasi in our Dum Dum Park Temple after his return from participating for one month in the grand Russian Vaishnava festivals taking place in Saint Petersburg, Sorochany and Moscow. Sadhu Priya Prabhu describes the festivals, the daily activities, his return to India and the enlivening devotional mood of this first generation of Russian Vaishnavas.
or listen online (21+ minutes, 3.7 MB mp3 audio).
07 September 2006
Disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur. Yesterday morning's extensive informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. As ever, exemplary glorification of the Vaishnavas and a further exceptional, heartfelt discourse.

or listen online (48+ minutes, 5.5 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (11 MB mp3 audio).
10 September 2006
Soquel Ashram, lively Sunday class last weekend by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj on returning from several months abroad with Srila Govinda Maharaj in India and preaching in Russia. His Holiness addresses a packed gathering of eager listeners drawn by news of his arrival at the Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Seva Ashram. Posted on the Californian website california.scsmath.org.

or listen online (1 hour, 6.8 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (13.7 MB mp3 audio).
12 September 2006
Names of the Deities. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

or listen online (15+ minutes, 1.8 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.6 MB mp3 audio).
13 September 2006
Consulting the panjika (astrological calendar). This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

Download, or listen online (16+ minutes, 1.9 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.8 MB mp3 audio).
15 September 2006
Faith in Mahaprasadam. This morning's informal discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.

or listen online (8+ minutes, 1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2 MB mp3 audio).
17 September 2006
Interview with Sripad B.P. Siddhanti Maharaj by Annapurna Devi Dasi in our Dum Dum Park Temple on his recent return from the USA. His Holiness discusses the devotional mood in America and here, some history of Srila Govinda Maharaj's World Tours, and the preparations and hopes for the forthcoming Tour to London and Russia.
or listen online (20+ minutes, 2.3 MB mp3 audio).
20 September 2006
Interviews before the Tour, and sharing the journey from Nabadwip to our Dum Dum Park Temple to wish Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj well on his travels. Nrsimha Chaitanya Prabhu and Annapurna Devi Dasi each share experiences of their current pilgrimage in India.
or listen online (13+ minutes, 2.1 MB mp3 audio).
23 September 2006
Glories of Sri Sri Prema Dhama Deva Stotram, and several subjects.... Informal morning discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his first full day at our London Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math at the start of his current World Tour. Just after receiving and looking through the newly published Hungarian Kirttan Guide, His Divine Grace spoke with the devotees:

or listen online (32+ minutes, 3.7 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (7.4 MB mp3 audio).
23 September 2006
Glories of the new edition of Srimad Bhagavad-gita. After meeting with more pilgrims converging at his lotus feet on the first full day in London, Srila Govinda Maharaj starts by reading aloud a short excerpt from the Hungarian Kirttan Guide then continues his informal morning discourse:

or listen online (18+ minutes, 2.1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (4.2. MB mp3 audio).
11 October 2006
Glories of Srila Narottam Das Thakur. Discourse by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on Srila Narottam Das Thakur's Disappearance Festival at our Saint Petersburg Temple last week. Srila Gurudev follows on from a talk he asked Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj to give to the assembled devotees (available below). English lecture with Russian translation.

Download, or listen online (24 minutes, 2.7 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (5.4 MB mp3 audio).
11 October 2006
Sri Rupa Manjari Pada sung by Srila Govinda Maharaj immediately after his discourse about Srila Narottam Das Thakur.

Download, or listen online (9 minutes, 1.5 MB mp3 audio)
11 October 2006
Sripad B.P. Janardan Maharaj's class about Srila Narottam Das Thakur just before Srila Govinda Maharaj spoke. English lecture with Russian translation.

Download, or listen online (19 minutes, 2.2 MB mp3 audio).
22 October 2006
Interview with Annapurna Devi Dasi from California. Attending the festivals with Srila Gurudev in Saint Petersburg, she describes the first day of the Sri Govardhan Puja Festivals as well as the energy of Srila Gurudev, the serving attitude of the Russian devotees, and her service during this tour in Russia.

Download, or listen online (5+ minutes, 900 K mp3 audio).
05 November 2006
Bengali reading of 'Jivera Charan Prapti' from Amrita Vidya, an acclaimed introductory book of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, read by Sripad B.P. Tirtha Maharaj. (First uploaded on 5 November 2006, Purnima. Rasayatra of Sri Krishna. Installation anniversary of Sri Sri Guru-Gauranga-Gandharvva-Rasabiharijiu, Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Mission, Sri Vrindavan. Disappearance of Srila Sundarananda Thakur. Appearance of Srila Nimbarka Acharyya. End of Chaturmasya and Niyamaseva vratas when began from the Purnima day (as in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math). )

Download, or listen online (9+ minutes, 1.6 MB mp3 audio).
15 November 2006
Sri Vyasa-Puja Bengali class by Sripad B.N. Acharyya Maharaj in the nat-mandir of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math on the 111th Anniversary Festival of the Appearance of Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj last month.

or listen online (9 minutes, 1 MB mp3 audio).
21 November 2006
Everything is related with the spiritual world. Informal discourse this morning by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. This is His Divine Grace's first English morning talk since returning from his recent tour to Russia and England.

Download, or listen online (12 minutes, 1.4 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2.8 MB mp3 audio).
25 November 2006
Chant the Hare Krishna Mahamantra without offence and you will be super benefited. Informal discourse this morning by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.
"Wherever is the mood of service, where is dedication, where is love, where is affection, there Krishna consciousness is revealing."

or listen online (28+ minutes, 3.2 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (6.4 MB mp3 audio).
26 November 2006
Dedicated to the Lord's lotus feet, and very happy. Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj reflects on earlier days in the Mission, when with just simple necessities and without bed or blanket ('kambal' mentioned here in Bengali), the devotees happily engaged in service, considering any problems as a sweet sacrifice for service. His Divine Grace speaking this morning on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata. (First uploaded on 26 November 2006, Grand festival for honouring the appearance of Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya Deities at Sri Puri Dham, Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.)
"What was not growing in the Math we were not getting that. What was growing in the Math we were happily offering to the Lord.... All were sweet problems, and sacrifice was that lifestyle. Anything happening, all was sacrificial service."

or listen online (9 minutes, 1 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (2 MB mp3 audio).
27 November 2006
Viddhi and Raganuga Bhakti. Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking from Kolkata this morning for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website. "In this [age of] Kali-yuga people are not following, actually, properly viddhi-marga, but some rules and regulations must be followed, and that was given by Prabhupad Srila Saraswati Thakur: who will lead his practising life, Krishna consciousness practising life, he must follow the four directives." krsna.cc.(23+ minutes, 3.4 MB mp3 audio).
29 November 2006
Vaisnava dharma means universal religion. Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj received a new book of his talks 'Religion of the Heart' compiled by Sripad B.P. Siddhanti Maharaj and prepared and printed by Bhuvana Mohan Prabhu. After looking through the book, Srila Govinda Maharaj began this morning's informal darshan on his veranda at our Dum Dum Park Temple, Kolkata.
"What is religion? ... [It] later came in the books, but first [it is] revealed in the heart of the pure devotee."

Download, or listen online (13+ minutes, 1.6 MB mp3 audio)

higher quality (3.2 MB mp3 audio).
06 December 2006
Sri Vyasa Puja address by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj to the grand assembly in the nat-mandir here at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math on the occasion of his 78th Appearance Day Festival, 6 December 2006.
(3+ minutes, 420 K mp3 audio also in higher quality: 810 K.)
06 December 2006
06 December 2006
Sri Vyasa Puja address by Sripad Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Maharaj to the grand assembly in the nat-mandir, 6 December 2006.
(19 minutes, 2.3 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 4.6 MB.)
08 December 2006
Disappearance Day of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur: "We are all connected spiritually and materially with Srila Saraswati Thakur, and so fortunate that still we are continuing and carrying his conception all over the world by the grace of Srila Guru Maharaj." Srila Govinda Maharaj, 8 December 2006.
(45 minutes, 5.7 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 11 MB.)
15 December 2006
Srila Govinda Maharaj extensively glorifies Srimati Tulasi Devi, responding to a question in the morning darshan, 15 December 2006.
(27 minutes, 3.5 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 6.6 MB.)
19 December 2006
"Maybe the influence of Kali is very strong, but our devotees we are seeing they are maintaining their spiritual life with devotion, with love and with affection -- this is our good fortune." Srila Govinda Maharaj, 19 December 2006.
(15+ minutes, 2 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 3.8 MB.)
22 December 2006
"Every kind of happiness, every kind of sweetness, every joyful thing -- that is the quality of Krishna and mercy of Krishna. There is no deficiency of joy and ecstasy, beauty and love and affection, everything." Srila Govinda Maharaj, 22 December 2006.
(16+ minutes, 2 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 3.9 MB.)
23 December 2006
Srila Prabhupad Saraswati Thakur's life was so exalted from his birth.
"Do what is in favour of service to the Lord Krishna, and all the illusion, bondage, disturbance, material mentality, everything will disappear." Srila Govinda Maharaj, 23 December 2006.
(26 minutes, 3.4 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 6.3 MB.)
24 December 2006
Christmas Eve informal darshan by Srila Govinda Maharaj.
"Mahaprabhu told: humility, tolerance and giving honour to others. And in Christianity, there also we see humility, tolerance and giving honour to others, it is Christ's advice to everyone."
(20+ minutes, 2.6 MB mp3 audio also in higher quality: 5.2 MB.)
25 December 2006
Christmas Day talk by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj speaking by telephone from Nabadwip for Madhusudan Prabhu's Internet Radio website, krsna.cc. (9+ minutes, 1.6 MB mp3 audio).